According to Darwinists’ erroneous way of thinking, they supposed there is only one
explanation for the emergence of living things in nature: All are descended from the
very first living cell, which developed spontaneously as the result of blind coincidences.

Over the course of time—and again by chance—earlier species gradually trans-
formed into other genetically different species. To put it another way, Darwinism feels

that in order to account for the emergence of life, all that’s needed are coincidences, nat-
ural events and long periods of time. According to Darwinists, life emerged through a

combination of these accidents, for which reason there can be no question of such con-
cepts as reason, intelligence or even consciousness (Allah is beyond this) playing any

part in the process.
From their assertion, it follows that the fossil record—and specifically, fossil skulls—
should contain clear evidence of this imaginary unconscious process that took place

over millions of years. If species really are descended from earlier life forms, then inter-
mediate signs of the process should be visible throughout the fossil record. If life forms

reach their most advanced forms at the end of a number of previous stages, then the
number of fossilized life forms in the process of changing—from fish to reptiles, from
reptiles to mammals, and from mammals to intermediate life forms that supposedly
took to flying in the air, should be much greater than the number of fossils that had
completed the imaginary evolutionary process.
There should be billions of such fossils, and the fictitious process of evolution should
be crystal clear from them. The fossil record, therefore, should constitute one of the
most important proofs of the theory of evolution.
And in fact, Charles Darwin himself was well aware of this:
If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most closely all the species of the

same group together, must assuredly have existed. . . . Consequently, evidence of their former exis-
tence could be found only amongst fossil remains.1

. . . the number of intermediate and transitional links, between all living and extinct species, must
have been inconceivably great.2

But the truth revealed by the fossil record is very different! Millions of fossils belong-
ing to tens of thousands of different species have been discovered. All of these represent

fully formed and complete life forms, each with a perfect appearance and complexity.
There is no trace of the intermediate species expected by Darwin and so longed for by
all Darwinists since.
هارون يحي - عدنان أوكطار المعروف باسم هارون يحيى هو كاتب وباحث تركي مسلم.
ولد في أنقرة عام 1956 م وعاش فيها حتى عام 1979 م عندما انتقل لإسطنبول حيث التحق بكلية الفنون الجميلة في جامعة المعمار سنان.
وخلال سنواته الجامعية، قام ببحوث مفصلة في الفلسفة المادية والايديولوجية السائدة التي تحيط به، قام بإنشاء مؤسسة البحث العلمي في تركيا.
تركز كتاباته على تفنيد وتكذيب نظريات التطور والارتقاء والنشوء وبيان تناقضها حسب رأيه.
كما يركز في كتاباته أيضا على موضوعات الماسونية والصهيونية والإلحاد. ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ رحلة فى عالم الحيوان ❝ ❞ رحلة في الكون ❝ ❞ المعجزات القرآنية ❝ ❞ المخلوقات العجيبة ❝ ❞ المعجزات الموجوده فى اجسامنا ❝ ❞ موت الإنسان ❝ ❞ عودة عيسى عليه السلام ❝ ❞ معجزة الجهاز المناعي ❝ ❞ التمثيل الضوئي ❝ الناشرين : ❞ جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف ❝ ❞ الدار العربية للعلوم ناشرون ❝ ❞ دار زحمة كتاب للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ مركز النشر العالمي ❝ ❞ arastirma yayincilik ❝ ❱
من كتب علمية - مكتبة الكتب العلمية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:

According to Darwinists’ erroneous way of thinking, they supposed there is only one
explanation for the emergence of living things in nature: All are descended from the
very first living cell, which developed spontaneously as the result of blind coincidences.

Over the course of time—and again by chance—earlier species gradually trans-
formed into other genetically different species. To put it another way, Darwinism feels

that in order to account for the emergence of life, all that’s needed are coincidences, nat-
ural events and long periods of time. According to Darwinists, life emerged through a

combination of these accidents, for which reason there can be no question of such con-
cepts as reason, intelligence or even consciousness (Allah is beyond this) playing any

part in the process.
From their assertion, it follows that the fossil record—and specifically, fossil skulls—
should contain clear evidence of this imaginary unconscious process that took place

over millions of years. If species really are descended from earlier life forms, then inter-
mediate signs of the process should be visible throughout the fossil record. If life forms

reach their most advanced forms at the end of a number of previous stages, then the
number of fossilized life forms in the process of changing—from fish to reptiles, from
reptiles to mammals, and from mammals to intermediate life forms that supposedly
took to flying in the air, should be much greater than the number of fossils that had
completed the imaginary evolutionary process.
There should be billions of such fossils, and the fictitious process of evolution should
be crystal clear from them. The fossil record, therefore, should constitute one of the
most important proofs of the theory of evolution.
And in fact, Charles Darwin himself was well aware of this:
If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most closely all the species of the

same group together, must assuredly have existed. . . . Consequently, evidence of their former exis-
tence could be found only amongst fossil remains.1

. . . the number of intermediate and transitional links, between all living and extinct species, must
have been inconceivably great.2

But the truth revealed by the fossil record is very different! Millions of fossils belong-
ing to tens of thousands of different species have been discovered. All of these represent

fully formed and complete life forms, each with a perfect appearance and complexity.
There is no trace of the intermediate species expected by Darwin and so longed for by
all Darwinists since. .

تعليقات القرّاء:

According to Darwinists’ erroneous way of thinking, they supposed there is only one
explanation for the emergence of living things in nature: All are descended from the
very first living cell, which developed spontaneously as the result of blind coincidences.

Over the course of time—and again by chance—earlier species gradually trans-
formed into other genetically different species. To put it another way, Darwinism feels

that in order to account for the emergence of life, all that’s needed are coincidences, nat-
ural events and long periods of time. According to Darwinists, life emerged through a

combination of these accidents, for which reason there can be no question of such con-
cepts as reason, intelligence or even consciousness (Allah is beyond this) playing any

part in the process.
From their assertion, it follows that the fossil record—and specifically, fossil skulls—
should contain clear evidence of this imaginary unconscious process that took place

over millions of years. If species really are descended from earlier life forms, then inter-
mediate signs of the process should be visible throughout the fossil record. If life forms

reach their most advanced forms at the end of a number of previous stages, then the
number of fossilized life forms in the process of changing—from fish to reptiles, from
reptiles to mammals, and from mammals to intermediate life forms that supposedly
took to flying in the air, should be much greater than the number of fossils that had
completed the imaginary evolutionary process.
There should be billions of such fossils, and the fictitious process of evolution should
be crystal clear from them. The fossil record, therefore, should constitute one of the
most important proofs of the theory of evolution.
And in fact, Charles Darwin himself was well aware of this:
If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most closely all the species of the

same group together, must assuredly have existed. . . . Consequently, evidence of their former exis-
tence could be found only amongst fossil remains.1

. . . the number of intermediate and transitional links, between all living and extinct species, must
have been inconceivably great.2

But the truth revealed by the fossil record is very different! Millions of fossils belong-
ing to tens of thousands of different species have been discovered. All of these represent

fully formed and complete life forms, each with a perfect appearance and complexity.
There is no trace of the intermediate species expected by Darwin and so longed for by
all Darwinists since.

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عداد القراءة: عدد قراءة THE SKULLS THAT DEMOLISH DARWIN

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هارون يحي - Harun Yahya

كتب هارون يحي عدنان أوكطار المعروف باسم هارون يحيى هو كاتب وباحث تركي مسلم. ولد في أنقرة عام 1956 م وعاش فيها حتى عام 1979 م عندما انتقل لإسطنبول حيث التحق بكلية الفنون الجميلة في جامعة المعمار سنان. وخلال سنواته الجامعية، قام ببحوث مفصلة في الفلسفة المادية والايديولوجية السائدة التي تحيط به، قام بإنشاء مؤسسة البحث العلمي في تركيا. تركز كتاباته على تفنيد وتكذيب نظريات التطور والارتقاء والنشوء وبيان تناقضها حسب رأيه. كما يركز في كتاباته أيضا على موضوعات الماسونية والصهيونية والإلحاد. ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ رحلة فى عالم الحيوان ❝ ❞ رحلة في الكون ❝ ❞ المعجزات القرآنية ❝ ❞ المخلوقات العجيبة ❝ ❞ المعجزات الموجوده فى اجسامنا ❝ ❞ موت الإنسان ❝ ❞ عودة عيسى عليه السلام ❝ ❞ معجزة الجهاز المناعي ❝ ❞ التمثيل الضوئي ❝ الناشرين : ❞ جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف ❝ ❞ الدار العربية للعلوم ناشرون ❝ ❞ دار زحمة كتاب للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ مركز النشر العالمي ❝ ❞ arastirma yayincilik ❝ ❱. المزيد..

كتب هارون يحي